
Friday, March 26, 2004

Missionary Pamphlets 

by Anonymous
I have been thinking a lot about missionary work this past year. I truly believe that it would be good if I did more. The church is such a positive influence on my life even though my belief in the doctrines is often weak. I'd love for some of my good friends to try it. Trouble is, I find our typical missionary approaches to be less than interesting to my friends. They are certainly of no interest to me. I've often wondered what it would be like if we had the following missionary pamphlets:

1. The Finite God: He's your age and has to keep in line like you do
2. Heavenly Mother: The goddess is not wicca
3. Your Own World: Why it's not just for space colonists

I worry that we spend too much time trying to be acceptable to born-again Christians. From my limited contact with those folks, I just don't think they are going to like us no matter how we typeset our logo. What missionary pamphlets would you like to see?
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