
Saturday, March 13, 2004

A Name and a blessing 

by NA
OK, this post is to solicit votes on a permanent blog name. Suggestions thus far include:
The Rameumptom (or some related variations)
Zeezrom, Esq. (though that limits our followers to lawyers)
Cureloms & Cumoms (who knows what those are)
Navajo Taco
Wagonloads of Plates
By the Regular Sign

any other culturally pregnant and semi-irreverent suggestions? Winner receives a gift certificate to Chuck-A-Rama*.

I guess if I had to throw in a Church topic, it's also to discuss the most uneasy and uncomfortable blessing in the Church, that of baby blessings. How are you supposed to do it, anyways -- are you talking to God or to the baby? How are you supposed to segue from the naming to the blessing part? It's such an awkward scene, too, because I think it's the only blessing in the Church that's public, except for confirmations. Does anyone know where the tradition came from for blessing infants? Is it something from the early days of the church, or more recent?

*winner may not actually receive anything.
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